The Pricing CSV is an easy way to set the prices and default material for all of your products at once.
Step One
Download your CSV (
You can select the checkbox for “Only For-Sale-Materials” to provide materials that are available for purchase, then use the dropdown option to select a material or keep it set to all materials.
Step Two
Open the CSV. Notice that it contains nine columns:
- Product_title
- Shop_section
- Product_configuration_id
- Model_id
- Material_id
- Product_dimension_choice_combo
- product_configuration_display_name
- Success_rate
- Is_public
- Old_base_price
- Base_price
- Currency
- Total_price
- Material_for_sale
- Default_material
Editing Product’s Pricing and Default Material
You will be entering or editing data in columns N, O and P.
Column N is the Price of your product in the marketplace. This must be more than the base price or it will cause an error when uploaded and you will not be able to save. All prices are entered as USD, a period/dot is required between dollar and cents, for example $10.99. Prices are excluding VAT/Tax.
Column O allows you to set the material “for-sale”, enabling that material to be sold, where “not-for-sale” will disable the product.
NEW: Column P, is the default material of your product. Enter “yes” in the column of the material of your choice to update your product’s default material. Default Material is the price that is shown in the Marketplace search for your product.
You must have a default material for any product that is either Public or For Sale. If you enter yes more than once for a product, it will set the default material to the last one in the CSV.
Step Three
Upload your CSV.
If the data you provided passed validation, Review the changes and select Save if correct.
If any of your data does not pass, you will see a variety of error messages. Follow the messages provided and repeat this process. It may take a few moments for the changes to become live on the site, depending on how many products you updated.
Wait for the changes to be saved and the site to state its submitted.