This article provides details on the estimated time it takes for your order to reach you once it has been shipped from our distribution centers. For information regarding the manufacturing turnaround time for your models, please refer to our dedicated article on turnaround time.
Below, you will find a comprehensive list of our available shipping methods organized by destination. It's important to note that the delivery time estimates provided do not include production times. They serve as approximate durations, indicating how long it may take for your package to arrive after it has been shipped. All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT and Sales Tax.
Destination | Option | Delivery Time (Business Days) |
Flat Rate |
United States | Standard Expedited Express |
3-6 2 1 |
$7.99 $19.99 $24.99 |
Canada | Standard Expedited Express |
3-8 2-3 1 |
$12.99 $24.99 $29.99 |
Netherlands Belgium Germany Luxembourg
Standard |
2-3 1 |
$11.99 $24.99 |
United Kingdom | Expedited Express |
2-3 1-2 |
$14.99 $35.99 |
Rest of EU | Standard Express |
Varies 1-3 |
$14.99 $29.99 |
Australia New Zealand |
Standard Expedited |
5-9 3-8 |
$19.99 $49.99 |
Rest of World | Standard | Varies | $34.99 |
Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email at the address linked to your Shapeways account. This email will contain a tracking code, allowing you to monitor the current status of your shipment.
Please keep in mind that our carriers operate during business days only, and it may take a few hours for the status to update online. If your order was shipped on a Saturday, you can expect a status change by Monday evening at the earliest.