We want to set the right expectations for your customers so they have the best experience possible and become your lifelong fans! To help set those expectations, shoppers will see a First to Try label on any product that hasn’t been successfully printed before in that material and model version. This helps shoppers understand our level of confidence that we can successfully create the product that they are looking to buy. That way, if the model can't be printed or has issues, they won't be disappointed.
Print Success
All materials for a product begin in First To Try until each material has a high enough Print Success Rate for us to have confidence in the printability. These products have either never been 3D printed before, or have been made but there are still questions about their printability. Sometimes a product has been printed before, but the Print Success Rate is too low for us to have a high level of confidence that it can be made again successfully. These products will stay in First To Try until successive orders bring them above 80% Print Success Rate.
Model Versions
Each version of a model has a unique geometry that we haven't attempted to 3D print before at Shapeways, so the Print Success Rate for a Product is based on the most recent model version, and resets each time a new version is uploaded. It may only be a small change to the model, but it could include making a wall thinner or changes to the bounding box, which could change the printability. We understand why this can be frustrating and are looking for ways to make this easier for you, but it's critical to set the right expectations for your customers.
Moving from First To Try to Product
We want all the products in our marketplace to shine in the best possible light. A key aspect of merchandising your product is sharing what it looks like in person with a great photo. However, we don't want to impose rules forcing you to print everything before you can offer it for sale.
There are a few ways to progress through First To Try:
- You can enlist your friends, fans and community to buy your product and share a photo, which will be important for your long term product success
- You can print the product in your preferred materials and ensure you meet the Print Success Rate before you launch your product
- You can disable the materials that haven't been successfully printed before